
Coffee…what Coffee..? My Coffee strike Update

Haha.. so this coffee strike.. was a breeze.. kinda feel like I had no real reason to even blog about it. lol.  But Im done.. i did it and it was hard for 2 days.. thats it.. big deal.  I don’t know.. maybe I couldn’t have done it without blogging about it though, like the 23 other times I tried to quit and I only lasted a day.  So thank you for reading my post if you did or for leaving me a message of motivation and just holding me accountable.   Having accountability is a great way to reach goals and achieve things, especially when it comes to diet and exercise.   Next time you set a goal try telling someone about it, write it down and put it on your fridge … or  you can send me a message, I’ll stay on top of ya with it.. you just have to get it out there into the universe and trust me it will help.

So this will be my last post about this coffee strike, cause it would just be really boring to continue with .   I think my true test will be on the weekend when we go out for breakfast on saturday mornings.  That will be tough, but I will just ask for hot water with lemon.  I must tell you if you haven’t tried this simple drink, TRY IT!  It’s so soothing and yummy and taste so great.  Im excited to see if I have any visible changes in a few months from quitting coffee.. maybe whiter teeth,  glowing skin.. lol who knows.

Have an excellent day everyone and weekend.  Let’s kick our training up this next week stay on top of our diets and challenge ourselves with some new goals to reach.   Peace